Cake Stories was an interactive exhibition curated by the The School of Cake, which took place at the Academy of Art and Design Basel in January 2018. The interactive exhibition consisted of screens, arranged in a circle on individual table set ups. Each screen showed a looped film of a person eating cake, from the corresponding food film series Cake Stories.
The film series Cake Stories consists of 12 individual films of women and men eating cake. They were secretly filmed through a one-way mirror, thereby capturing candid moments of people eating alone.
The individuality of each set up with a correlating film of a person eating was in reference to information gathered from previously conducted interviews, in which participants described how they frequently eat alone at their desks in front of their laptops and computers during the day. During the exhibition viewers were given cake and encouraged to enter into an eating dialogue with a screen of their choice.
Concept & Curation: Orlando Lovell & Julia Freyhoff
Curatorial Assistance: David Bachmann
Photography: Friedrich J. Richter & Orlando Lovell

“Wenn ich was #esse und am #Computer bin…
Ab und zu so ein #Kontrollblick ob ich noch da bin.”

“#Kuchen ist für mich ultra zentral als #Wahrnehmung von #Gemütlichkeit.
So #grinsen, wie mit einem #Freund wenn man #besoffen oder #bekifft ist.
Ich esse eigentlich #immer alleine.
Kuchen möchte ich nicht #alleine essen.”

“Ich hab ihn so 80 – 90% #geschmeckt.
Das #geht raus an alle #Homies.”

“Das war #feucht.
Es war #mega feucht, ich hatte danach alle #Hände so voll #klebrig.
Ja, fast #aufregend.”